Jason Elliott Clark | Myths & Legends
bad spirits around the house
reduction relief print
30 x 36 inches
the neglected child
20 x 16 inches
fisher & porcupine
relief print
24 x 28 inches
learning to hunt
photo lithograph
36 x 30 inches
measles, mosquitoes, mississippi & mishipeshu
reduction relief print
20 x 16 inches
midnight feedings
reduction relief print
30 x 40 inches
poison oak & porcupines
reduction relief print
20 x 16 inches
the new traditional money maker
reduction relief print
24 x 28 inches
when my grandfather stopped understanding
the bear’s language
stone lithograph
16 x 20 inches
the battle over tradition
stone lithograph
30 x 28 inches
crow visits north wind
screen print
20 x 24 inches
he who lives alone
stone lithograph
24 x 20 inches
back from the city
stone lithograph
20 x 16 inches
Jason Elliott Clark [Algonquin]
myths & legends
“My work is rooted in the traditional teachings and beliefs of my ancestors and the erroneous teachings and beliefs of western society about Native Americans. The subjects portrayed in my art are from personal experiences and the legends of my Algonquin heritage. I am also interested in what people are being taught about Native Americans by Western culture through parents, teachers, textbooks, films, television, cartoons, consumer advertisements, products, and other transmitters of misinformation. My work deals with subjects that I have observed or experienced firsthand. These are the stories that have shaped and formed my life. They illustrate how I see the world around me and how I have learned to respect it. The images and stories in my work are reflections or parts of me.”
—Jason Elliott Clark
All Prints Collection of the Missoula Art Museum.